Synfiny Advisors Business Practice
Organizational Development
SynFiny is excited to announce new service offerings within our Organizational Development practice including Procurement Organization Design, Procurement Sourcing Training College and Supplier Diversity Programs.
All courses are offered virtually or on-site, depending on your needs and situation. In the current external context, there is a growing need for the continued focus on a wide range of what used to be called “face -to-face” trainings. Are your trainings needs growing?
Our virtual trainings offer a great experience to participants – group discussions, team assignments, practice, and a lot of communication. We approach our virtual trainings to make them as live as possible.
Are you systematically growing the skills and contribution of your people? Are you hiring, onboarding, motivating, engaging, and retaining your talent while people work remotely? Does your best talent understand their career path? Do they understand how to succeed? The simple truth is the best organizations succeed because their people are highly skilled and highly motivated.
Many companies recruit people without a plan to train them and without a process to make them bottom line contributors. When results disappoint, companies then reorganize or restructure operations with little regard for how to get their people rowing in the new direction. SynFiny brings clients a proprietary but time-tested approach to building world class organizations leveraging on site and virtual work:
- Organization Builder™ – Purpose built design
- Skills Builder™ – Tailored multi-function skill development
- Career Builder™ – Personal career development tools
- Talent Builder™ – Customized talent management
- New: Supplier Diversity – Linking minority and majority companies together through sourcing and partnerships
Organizational Builder™
- Organization design consistent with strategy
- Cost structure aligned to organization design using Savings Tree™
- Management spans and layers optimized
- Decision locations and levels optimized
Skills Builder™
- Skills Builder App™ tailored to company needs
- Business & Functional skills assessed
- Full organization skills assessed for company and functions
- Functional or business skills training
- Training developed and provided by Industry experts
- New: Procurement skill assessment program
Career Builder™
- Career Builder Tool™ tailored to individual needs
- Career tool connected to a broad Skills Builder™ discussion
- Career discussion consistent with management spans & layers
Talent Builder™
- Talent Builder Report™ identifies organization strengths and weaknesses
- Training tailored uniquely to talent needs
- Functional or business skills training
- Training developed and provided by industry experts
- New: Procurement sourcing training college (virtual and/or on-site)
New: Supplier Diversity (i.e. Minority, gender, localization, aboriginal)
- Assess current diversity spend
- Develop Supplier Diversity programs (1st and 2nd tier)
- Develop measurement systems
- Conduct on-going training and development for majority and minority companies
Our Experience
- Extensive expertise of multiple organization related projects and transformations
- Annual strategy development process using SWOT methodology, strategy deployment
- Broad base of different training materials developed internally by our function experts across 17 different disciplines, access to the best external sources of most of up to date training courses and webinars, internal capability to run training, best practices and CEO round table webinars
What We Do
- Organization design development and deployment based on go2market choices and challenges
- Talent identification, mapping and succession planning for business critical and crucible roles
- Performance management
- Development of customer required training content to address a specific organization need or respond to a business challenge
- Design and delivery of HR Services (Compensation & Benefits, Payroll, Benefits Administration, and Relocation services)
How We Do It
- Organization assessment, sensing, pulse survey and employee engagement practices
- Organization design effectiveness through centers of expertise (Service Centers), process centralization and outsourcing of non-core operational types of tasks
- Compensation and benefits benchmarking practices within peer group in NA, Europe, MEA, Asia markets
Our Solutions
- Geographic centers of expertise for Talent Acquisition & Development, Compensation & Benefits, HR capability
- Employee services and policies integration (M&A)
- Short / Long term incentive plans for middle and senior management benchmark, analysis and implementation (including sales function variable compensation system)
- Career and executive coaching